G'bye Linuxtag 2012
Submitted by blizzzAs posted before, I spent the last week at LinuxTag in Berlin. For us (ownCloud) it was pretty good. It was our first appeareance there, hence we got a lot of interest and visitors. We got higher visibility through the two booths, i suppose, but especially because of our most recent ownCloud 4 release. All in all a good combination that made ownCloud overtake Ubuntu One in Google Trends (12 months view, click to enlarge).
During LinuxTag, Frank also gave an interview to Golem, a German online magazine, about features and the history of ownCloud and the company behind.

LinuxTag in general seemed to be more relaxed than before, but probably because most people are going the for the conference talks in first line. The numbers even indicate that LinuxTag grew to 12.000 visitors.
And traditionally it ended of course with the barbecue at the hackerspace c-base, organized by Ubuntu Berlin and sponsored by Canonical. Thanks to all of them!

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