
26 Aug 2009

FrOSCon 2009: Quick Review

Submitted by blizzz

As you know, I was at the FrOSCon last week, in first line to keep our Kubuntu booth up and running. On the outward bound i met Eckhart from KDE by chance, which made it quite entertaining.

The first day started with waiting for our booth material, which had some delay, so that it was made out of my Laptop and few CDs I got from ShipIt (all in all we had about 30 to 35 of them only) for about an hour (which was not so bad, however).

14 Aug 2009

KDE shortcut of the day

Submitted by blizzz

Precious in dual screen setups only, however. I found out by chance, that pressing Ctrl+< shifts the current window to the next screen. Isn't it wonderful?

Works in KDE 4.3, don't know about former versions.

Update: I'm sorry! The default setting is None for this shurtcut, which you can confuge in "Global Keyboard Shortcuts", section "Kwin", Key "Window to Next Screen". Obviously, i changed this long long long ago and forgot about it. Nevertheless, the shortcut is cool!

30 Jul 2009

Berlin, Berlin

Submitted by blizzz
That is where i stayed from Monday afternoon until Wednesday night. These have been moving days! I met my exgf, visited some sights i knew and some i did not and decided for a job. In detail, i have had the job interview including some tests on tuesday morning with a company i have had contact for some weeks now. The appointment went really well, thus I got a first positive feedback and since the executive couldn't be in Berlin, they would discuss it by phone and call me eventually.
17 Jul 2009

Some sort of alive

Submitted by blizzz

Oops, it's now half a year since my last blog entry. That's quite a bad performance... However, I am back (I think^^). As this post contains only some personal updates, some of you might want to stop reading here and hope for something interesting in the next time.

Actually I don't want to tell a story about the six months, either. Most of them were full of work, study, hobby and love, so nothing special. First of all I want to thank a lot of good friends for their support in the previous month that has been really killing me in a emotional sense. So thank you for your shoulders, ears and eyes: Christian, Jan, Marcus A., Markus K., Robert, Joachim, Arne, and Björn (in random order, sorry to who i forgot). You are a vast help to me, i'm indebted to you.

24 Jan 2009

Die Winterpause im deutschen Fußball ist endlich wieder vorbei! Am kommenden Dienstag und Mittwoch geht es los mit der Pokalrunde, am Wochenende darauf geht die Rückrunde wieder los!

Ich hoffe es sind wieder alle Tipper beim Kicktipp dabei, auch wer neu einsteigen möchte ist natürlich gerne Willkommen. Ebenso zu Fachdiskussionen im IRC-Channel ##kubuntu-kicktipper (man beachte die zwei #) im Freenode-Netzwerk :)

21 Jan 2009


Submitted by blizzz

As Christian already blogged in German, we ─ that is ─ now provide a feed service for both and twitter.

If you like to subscribe to them the urls are: for
and for twitter

Note that almost all of our content is in German language. However, from time to time we release articles in English as well :)

Follow us!

11 Jan 2009
(Deutsche Version unten) The outstanding team of Amarok released version of their ingenious music player, thanks for that! However, a little thing does not meet my taste: the playlist filter. Becuase i am a very fan of the biased playlists, i have no usage for it. Unfortunately, there is no option to blank it. I'd appreciate (wish), if this will be included in one of the next releases (to me, the ui looks cleaner without it, too).
7 Jan 2009

Vorab ein frohes neues, gesundes wie glückliches Jahr! Eigentlich wollte ich noch den zweiten Teil zum 25C3 bloggen, aber bislang bin ich nicht dazu gekommen. Dafür schieb ich eine kleine Anregung zum Umgamg mit KMails Mailfilter ein. An sich ist dieses keine überaus anspruchsvolle oder eindrucksvolle Sache, aber nachdem mir heute diese Möglichkeit in den Verstand sickerte, ist es vielleicht Wert gepostet zu werden.

28 Dec 2008
Mitsamt der Gefolgschaft meiner Freundin und dem Teilzeit-Teilnehmer Thomas bin ich zur Zeit ebenfalls und wie schon im letzten Jahr beim 25C3, der "Hacker-Konferenz" veranstaltet vom CCC. Ausgerüstet mit dem Dauerticket habe ich mich am ersten Tag über die Datenpannen im vergangenen Jahr informiert, welches zwar ein unterhaltsamer Vortrag war, aber eben auch sehr gehaltvoll. Der Vortrag über Designschwächen bei CHIP+PIN Systemen war interessant, allerdings auf Großbritannien bezogen. Außerdem hatte ich zum ersten Mal keinen freien Stuhl gefunden. Ein informatives Video dazu hat Steven Murdoch ebenfalls eingebaut.
