Bookmarks for Nextcloud 0.10.0 released
Submitted by blizzz
I am happy to announce the availability of Bookmarks for Nextcloud 0.10.0! Bookmarks is a simple way to manage the remarkable websites and pages you come across on the Internet. Bookmarks 0.10.0 provides API methods to create, read, update and delete your bookmarks as well as compatibility with upcoming Nextcloud 12, next to smaller improvements and fixes.
Bookmarks 0.10 is available at the Nextcloud App Store and thus of course from your Nextcloud app management. Since this release Bookmarks is not officially supporting ownCloud anymore.
Personally I had hoped to release sooner, and if it was not for Marcel Klehr it would have been terribly later. He added the API methods, did a lot of code consolidation, migrated away from the deprecated database interface, and while doing so fixed the annoying tag rename bug. Kudos for his great efforts! Apart of him, I would also like to thank adsworth, brantje, Henni and LukasReschke for their contributions in this release!
Developers interested in the API can check out the documentation at the README file of our project, which was also written by Marcel.
Eventually, there will be the next, annual Nextcloud Conference in Berlin. This will take part from Aug 22nd to Aug 29th, and the Call for Papers is still open. Any sort of (potential) contributor is warmly welcome!
Are you planning to implement
Are you planning to implement folders for bookmarks?
I am actually not convinced
A folder structure does not fit well with the philosophy, honestly.
I am actually not convinced by a folder structure. You can essentially do the same, and be more flexible with tags. For instance, you have a bookmark sorted into:
But, wait, there is also cream and perhaps you want to store them instead into
And after a year you look for it and only remember there were a lot of tasty cherries, but you perhaps it was caramel not chocolate, or fresh cheese not cream? Hm…
However you can tag it with "recipe", "cake", "chocolate", "cream", "cherry" and what not and always filter for what you remember. Thus, "recipe"+"cake"+"cherry" becomes possible.
Given, there are bookmarks system from where you want to import and they have folders. We could just convert them into tags on import. Or perhaps keep the info internally if it is required for a syncing app.
You might also be interested into the issue Add "Folders" to Bookmarks to collect Bookmarks into Categories.
+1 on the above. I hate
+1 on the above. I hate folder-hierarchy bookmarks. Tagging is way better.
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